It is advised that to get the best out of your massage you should do following:
- Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours, as massage is a detoxifying treatment
- Drink plenty of water to assist in the elimination of toxins from the body
- Eat a light meal (especially if it’s not long after your treatment) this assists the detoxification and healing process
- Get plenty of rest. You may feel tired after treatment
- Gentle exercise – postural exercises can help with muscle tension as well as exercises that will assist with mobility, your therapist may give you specific advice to aid your concerns. Yoga can be a suitable and gentle option.
- Most of all listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what you need to help it to rebalance.
Occasionally, people can experience any of the following reactions up to 24 hours after treatment; this is referred to as a contra-action and is the body’s response to the treatment:
- Headache
- Dizziness or nausea
- Disrupted sleeping pattern
- Muscles may feel tired and achy
- Increased urination or passing stools
- Increased thirst
- Fatigue
Whilst uncommon, these reactions are perfectly normal and show that the body is trying to rebalance itself.

You don’t want to undo all the good that has been done for your skin, so it is advised you follow this advice:
- Avoid wearing make-up for at least six hours after a facial treatment.
- Avoid any other facial skincare treatments within 48 hours of having a facial.
- Avoid sunbathing for up to 12 hours.
- Avoid direct heat, such as saunas, hot baths, showers or a hot hairdryer.
- Do not apply perfume or perfumed products to treated area within 48 hours of having a facial.
- Stay away from direct sunlight/sunbeds and heat e.g. saunas for 48 hours after having a facial.
- Do not apply any other exfoliating skincare products for 72 hours after having a facial.
Good habits for great skin.
- Always cleanse, tone and moisturise your face. To prevent loss of moisture, protect the skin from make-up and to keep the skin soft and supple.
- Always remove all traces of make-up at the end of the day.(double cleanse)
- Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day is recommended).
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet – include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables.
- Always use an SPF sunscreen to block ultraviolet B rays.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol.

We recommend that you adhere to the following advice after having microdermabrasion treatment:
- For 12 Hours: Do not wear heavy make-up (although mineral based make-up is better)
- For 24 Hours: No Swimming, waxing of the area that has been treated or fake tan application
- For 48 Hours: No Sauna, sun beds or sun exposure. No Botox, collagen injections or dermal fillers
- For 72 Hours: Do not use any anti-ageing creams, AHA’s glycolics, retinol or exfoliation products.
All at times:
- Use an SPF15 as a minimum (higher is better) and exposure to UV should be avoided.
- Moisturise regularly to replenish moisture and prevent the skin from becoming dry and flaky.

- Do wear open toe shoes if possible.
- Avoid synthetic materials for your footwear.
- Change socks or tights daily.
- Ensure your feet are thoroughly dried after washing.
- Apply moisturising lotion daily to clean feet.
- Apply talc or special foot powder between the toes to help absorb moisture
- If you must cut your nails try to keep them straight to avoid ingrowing nails

Gel Polish
- To ensure longevity of wear please follow the following advice:
- Please wear gloves if you are cleaning, gardening or using harsh chemicals. Not doing so can have a detrimental effect on the gel polish.
- Please use cuticle oil twice a day to replace any lost moisture in the skin and nails.
- If you chip a nail or have any lifting do not pick or pull at it as this can cause further damage to the nail plate.
- If you are going on holiday please be careful with sun tan oils and insect repellents as some may contain solvents which can affect your gel polish.
- Lighter more delicate colours are prone to fade when exposed to chlorinated water and strong sunlight.
- If you wish to temporarily change the colour, you can apply a normal nail varnish over the top, just use an acetone free remover so as not to damage the gel polish underneath.
- Gel polish will generally last 2-3 weeks (sometimes longer) depending on your rate of nail growth.
- To remove DO NOT PICK/PEEL! Use a nail file to lightly buff over the nail to remove the shine. Next soak a cotton pad in acetone and place over the nail, wrap tin foil around the end of the finger and soaked pad, let it soak for 10 minutes. Rub the pad into the nail and slide it off the nail, if needed use an orange stick to gently push the gel polish off the nail plate. Finish with the application of cuticle oil to replenish the moisture lost.
- Don’t fancy doing this yourself? That’s fine we can do it for you either just as a removal or prior to your new gel polish application. Please refer to our treatment menu for pricing.